Updated 25 Feb 2023
Joe Roberts Astrophotography
Showpiece Image Gallery
This page contains some of my very best images. If you have followed this page over the years you have no doubt noticed that the vast majority of my best images are ones taken with CCD cameras (vice film). While film still has its place for certain applications, digital imaging offers overwhelming advantages compared to film. Many of the images below were taken with a modest 4" refractor in conjunction with an
Orion StarShoot Pro Deep Space CCD Color Imaging Camera
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Comet Hale Bopp (1997), 5 minute exposure (film) w/ 500mm F6.3 lens
Taken from Salem, CT.
North American Nebula, taken with Takahashi E-180
155 minute CCD exposure, 09 Aug 2015.
"Super Moon", taken with a Pentax Kx DSLR through a 4" Refractor
19 March 2011.
Pleiades Star Cluster (M45), taken with Vixen 102 ED Refractor
9 hour 8 minute minute CCD exposure, 14,16 and 19 November 2012.
Eagle Nebula (M16), taken with a Takahashi E-180
40 minute CCD exposure, 14 May 2015.
M13 Globular Cluster, taken with a Takahashi E-180
96 minute CCD exposure, 17 Apr 2015
Great Nebula in Orion, 188 minute CCD total exposure through 4" Refractor
Taken from Voluntown, CT, 02 November 2011
Nebula IC 5132 in Cehpeus, ~ 8 hours total exposure Nov 2022
Taken from Voluntown, CT, Orion 190mm Maknewt F5.3
Andromeda Galaxy, taken with a Takahashi E-180
124 minute CCD exposure, 04 Dec 2018.
Rosette Nebula, 220 minute exposure through a 4" refractor
18 December 2011
IC 59 and 63 (The "Ghost of Cassiopeia" Nebula),
2h46m minute exposure, 23 November 2022.
M33 (Triangulum Galaxy), taken with Takahashi Epsilon 180
200 minute CCD exposure, 08 November 2018.
NGC 7923 (Helis Nebula), taken with Orion 190mm F5.3 Maknewt
1h16m exposure, 31 Aug 2022.
27 October 2004 Lunar Eclipse (Celestron CG-11 telescope @F6.3, 200 ISO slide film).
Taken from Voluntown, CT.
Hydrogen Alpha exposure of a portion of IC 1805 taken with Takahashi Epsilon 180
5.25 hour exposure, 30 October 2018.
Comet Hyakutake, 5 minute (film) exposure w/ 28mm F2.8 lens
Taken from Lebanon, CT, March 1996.
Planetary Nebula M27, 124 minute exposure w/ Orion 190mm Maknewt
Taken from Voluntown, CT, 24 Aug 2022.
Aurora (Northern Lights), Colebrook CT, 7 September 2002
Wide Angle (film) exposure, Big Dipper visible near horizon.
Eastern Sky Rising at Arunah Hill
The California Nebula, Pleiades and Hyades are visible in this film shot, taken in 2001 from Arunah Hill, Cummington MA.
Members of Our Solar System: Mars, Jupiter and Saturn
Photos taken with Olympus C3030 Zoom digital camera (afocal method). 28 Aug 2003 (Mars), 12 January 2001 (Jupiter) and 17 November 2001 (Saturn).
M97, the Owl Nebula
32 minute exposure from 09 Feb 2022.
Lunar Close Up, Celestron C14 @F3.3, Orion Starshoot II Imager
Taken 14 February 2008 from Voluntown CT.
Flame and Horsehead Nebulae, 128 minute exposure through a Takahashi E-180.
04 Dec 2018
Waning Moon, 26 July 2008
Taken with a 4" refractor from Voluntown, CT (CCD image).
Galaxies M81 and M82
Taken with a Takahashi E-180 from Voluntown, CT on 10 Dec 2018, 148 minute CCD exposure.
The Double Cluster in Perseus
Taken with a Takahashi Epsilon 180, 96 minute total exposure, 07 November 2018.
Some images of my all time favorite galaxies. Exposures range from 1 to about 10 hours.
All taken with a 4" refractor.
Super Moon, 23 June 2013
HDR image through a 135mm lens (Pentax K-x DSLR)
Lunar Eclipse of 20-21 January 2019.
Taken with Takahashi E-180 and Stellarvue SV-70.
The Ring Nebula
32 minute exposure through a Celestron 11, July 2012.
Winter Milky Way
One minute exposure using a Canon 60Da DSLR with a 16mm Rokinon lens.
The Whirlpool Galaxy, M51
120 minute exposure using a Takahashi E-180, taken 13 Feb 2016.
IC 1396 in Cepheus
110 minute exposure using a Takahashi E-180, taken 12 Aug 2015.
Comet Lovejoy, 19 Jan 2015
4 minute exposure through a 4" refractor.
The Sun in H-alpha light, 06 June 2014
Taken using a Canon T3i DSLR attached to a Lunt 60mm solar telescope.
NGC 2174 in orion
Taken with a Takahashi E-180, 152 minute exposure, 04 Dec 2018.
Open Cluster NGC 7789 in Cassiopeia
Taken with a Takahashi E-180, 52 minute exposure, 16 November 2018.
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