Updated 30 May 2001

Mrs. Webb's 5th Grade Class from Memorial School

We've made good progress on identifying people in this picture... if you can help out with the remaining name (or can make corrections to the existing names) please E-mail me!

The names of the people are:

Front Row, L to R: Lauren Vail, Nancy Mitus, Sharon Gale, Lynn Sterlin, Donna Grogan, Jan Stolki, Beth Scott, Susan McNulty, Joy Willson.

Middle Row, L to R: Ernie Richmond, Nancy Veto, Patty Woods, Debbie Roberts, Debbie Merrick, AnnMarie Sousa, Sue Jacek, Peter Jameson, Kenny Wytas.

Back Row, L to R: Allan Brown, John Bugbee, Frank Padula, Chris Batista, Tom Allen or Mike Kresik (?), Eugene Chambers, Randy Feid, Rich Audette, David Hall.

Thanks to Rich Audette for contributing this image!

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E-mail to Joe Roberts
This page is part of the Minnechaug Class of 1978 Home Page.

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