Updated 11 Dec 2005
A sampling of Woofers
This page shows a few woofers from 8" to 18" diameter.

A JBL 2245H professional quality woofer (needs a new surround), a 15" Utah woofer, a 10" Utah woofer
and an 8" Utah woofer (Utah became Pyle). The JBL woofer is from 1987 and was the top of the line in their pro driver lineup at that time (although discontinued it remains very competitive with the very best available today). This woofer cost me $275 on discount in 1987, it listed for $348 at that time! This woofer is capable of SERIOUS acoustic output for home use. A pair of these (in proper cabinets) can fill a large banquet hall with very deep bass, so you can imagine what it can do in a typical house! The Utah woofers are all early 70s vintage. The 15" woofer was the top of the line Utah woofer for that time. Heavy duty in its time, today it would be classed as medium duty. One nice thing about these old classic Utah speakers: the cloth roll surrounds do not go bad like the foam ones do! The 10" and 8" woofers would be considered light duty by today's standards.

A side view of the woofers. The JBL has a 4" diameter voice coil (600W RMS rating). The 15" Utah has a 2" coil with a 45W RMS rating. The 8" and 10" woofers have 1" coils and are good for about 15W RMS.

A back view of the woofers. Note the magnet assembly on the JBL!
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